Thursday 9 August 2007

Fun friday

Having fun!
I will start from the back roll, Yogesh from NDTV in India in red T-shirt,next is Vincent from Malawi, standing and holding camera is Solomon from Nigeria, and then my good friend Emily from Tonga,Khaled just behind me, from Jordan and Abdel Karim also from Jordan.
This was a wonderful Friday evening, played a bit of music from Jordan and danced a bit.

A friend to joke with and confide in sometimes. He has been in the business of writing and reporting for about 12 years now.He has alot to say in class and comments on almost every thing in class,keeps us going. Very good friend to be with.

Back home this guy would be considered to be my brother or my neighbour. He understands some of the languages spoken in Zambia and well am passionate about his country because my mother has roots there. He seems to be a nice person, I pray that he dosent get into bad company.

He calls me RUTU. I don't like it but he gets away with it. I must say he is one of those good brothers I joke with sometimes. He makes alot of sense when he contributes in class.

My God! at first I thought I was the only one receiving the 'lady treatment' from this gentleman but no! its his nature. He is a gentleman indeed! very reliable, accommodating and considerate, name it, it all suits him. A good partner to work with on class assignments as well.Thank God for meeting HIM.

Abdel Karim
Have not interacted with him many times but like Khaled he seems to be a gentleman as well. Quite active in class and seem to know what he talks about, guess he thinks before talking!

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