Thursday 9 August 2007


Thomson Foundation Summer Course- 2007

Right now am in Cardiff ,the beautiful capital city of Wales.

I have been here since June 23 and I hope to head back home on 15 September,needless to say I miss home.

Am attending a 12 weeks summer course in international broadcasting. Many thanks to the Common Wealth Broadcasting Association for considering me.

The course is going on well. Too many things to learn . Meeting journalist from all parts of the world is fun. Different cultures and backgrounds call for diverse views and of course reasoning.

One thing I have learned as I interacts with others is that each Journalist always wants to be the best among other. This has disadvantage and advantages. One tends to forget that they attend a course to learn more as opposed to been the teacher.

I have told myself in the past that I don't have to open my mouth all the time I feel like saying something, so i do it only when it's necessary.

Experience has also taught me that to make more friends ,I need to be good to every one and feel free to talk to any one unlike been confined to a group.

This has worked well for me even now and believe you me, when I get back to Zambia ,I will be in touch with almost everyone but a few who choose to isolate themselves.

Stay blessed .

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