Thursday 9 August 2007


A decorated monkey is still a monkey, Peggy would say most of the time.

Peggy is from Ghana and she is currently busy finishing her dissertation for her masters. This takes most of here time as it is very involving.
Even with all the research work that is on her hands ,she has proved to be a shoulder to lean on. She has been a blessing to me on this' summer ' course.
I confide in her and as a real African woman , she understands my needs and always gives good advice. I wish her God' riches blessing as she walks the earth.

She talks to much ,that's what Carmen from Romania would mostly say. Poonum is the girl from India. It is true she likes talking but am sure its because by nature most Indians talk to much. This is something we can't change about them and so , it's best we respect the way they are and make life easy for ourselves. ' It's called respecting ones cultural difference and accepting the way they are'.I wonder how the class would have been like if we had more Indians other than Poonam and Yogesh. guess it would have been.......

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