Thursday 9 August 2007

My love and life!

9th September 2007

Today, August 9 2007 , marks exactly a month from our first wedding anniversary. In the last few months ,I have learnt to live life with my best friend, my dear lovely husband Kamwi.

Together we have discovered many things.We have cried and smiled together and most of all we have shared a love that is unforgettable.

One thing has always been cardinal in our lives, our faith in God .As New Apostolic Christians, our faith has been enhanced more in these past few months. We have sort the hand of God in all that we do through prayer.

Our contribution to the work of God also brings joy to our souls as we strive to do it whole heartdly.
The many children of God that we interact with have been a source of great joy to us.

And now through his Love , the Lord has blessed us with yet another gift of Life.We are expecting a baby and hopefully before the end of this year ,we will hold this wonderful Gift of Love in our hands.Baby Lilato!

home sweet home!

Home sweet Home!

The first mission I always undertake whenever I leave my home town or country is to look for my family.

The children of God whom I share the same kind of faith with, in the New Apostolic Church.

On saturday 4 th August I got to meet my family in Cardiff.Though most of the members did not attend the service due tight work programmes, I must say i had a great time.

I thank God that even when away from my home country Zambia , am still at home here in Cardiff.

Top life: Some members in cardiff
Right: Sunday school children and Teachers -Zambia


Thomson Foundation Summer Course- 2007

Right now am in Cardiff ,the beautiful capital city of Wales.

I have been here since June 23 and I hope to head back home on 15 September,needless to say I miss home.

Am attending a 12 weeks summer course in international broadcasting. Many thanks to the Common Wealth Broadcasting Association for considering me.

The course is going on well. Too many things to learn . Meeting journalist from all parts of the world is fun. Different cultures and backgrounds call for diverse views and of course reasoning.

One thing I have learned as I interacts with others is that each Journalist always wants to be the best among other. This has disadvantage and advantages. One tends to forget that they attend a course to learn more as opposed to been the teacher.

I have told myself in the past that I don't have to open my mouth all the time I feel like saying something, so i do it only when it's necessary.

Experience has also taught me that to make more friends ,I need to be good to every one and feel free to talk to any one unlike been confined to a group.

This has worked well for me even now and believe you me, when I get back to Zambia ,I will be in touch with almost everyone but a few who choose to isolate themselves.

Stay blessed .


A decorated monkey is still a monkey, Peggy would say most of the time.

Peggy is from Ghana and she is currently busy finishing her dissertation for her masters. This takes most of here time as it is very involving.
Even with all the research work that is on her hands ,she has proved to be a shoulder to lean on. She has been a blessing to me on this' summer ' course.
I confide in her and as a real African woman , she understands my needs and always gives good advice. I wish her God' riches blessing as she walks the earth.

She talks to much ,that's what Carmen from Romania would mostly say. Poonum is the girl from India. It is true she likes talking but am sure its because by nature most Indians talk to much. This is something we can't change about them and so , it's best we respect the way they are and make life easy for ourselves. ' It's called respecting ones cultural difference and accepting the way they are'.I wonder how the class would have been like if we had more Indians other than Poonam and Yogesh. guess it would have been.......

cardiff bay

With Emily, the girl from Tonga at Cardiff bay!
She is the youngest on the course and yet so full of energy. She some how reminds of the time I was her age, not to say that there is a big age difference.
She is good company and always makes me laugh whenever am with her.
Piece of advice! don't go with Emily if you want to enjoy a good dance, her energy will make you forget about your steps and start watching her.
And one more thing, apart from improving her skill in journalism , she is also learning how to Cook.

Thank God for meeting her.

Fun friday

Having fun!
I will start from the back roll, Yogesh from NDTV in India in red T-shirt,next is Vincent from Malawi, standing and holding camera is Solomon from Nigeria, and then my good friend Emily from Tonga,Khaled just behind me, from Jordan and Abdel Karim also from Jordan.
This was a wonderful Friday evening, played a bit of music from Jordan and danced a bit.

A friend to joke with and confide in sometimes. He has been in the business of writing and reporting for about 12 years now.He has alot to say in class and comments on almost every thing in class,keeps us going. Very good friend to be with.

Back home this guy would be considered to be my brother or my neighbour. He understands some of the languages spoken in Zambia and well am passionate about his country because my mother has roots there. He seems to be a nice person, I pray that he dosent get into bad company.

He calls me RUTU. I don't like it but he gets away with it. I must say he is one of those good brothers I joke with sometimes. He makes alot of sense when he contributes in class.

My God! at first I thought I was the only one receiving the 'lady treatment' from this gentleman but no! its his nature. He is a gentleman indeed! very reliable, accommodating and considerate, name it, it all suits him. A good partner to work with on class assignments as well.Thank God for meeting HIM.

Abdel Karim
Have not interacted with him many times but like Khaled he seems to be a gentleman as well. Quite active in class and seem to know what he talks about, guess he thinks before talking!